How to say goodbye in Vietnamese?

There are many ways to say hello but how can we actually say goodbye?

Posted about 6 years ago
8 Replies
8 replies

đi đây! = i leave now.

Posted about 6 years ago

chao tam biet

Thuyduong nguyenvu
thuyduong nguyenvu
Posted about 6 years ago

bái bai = bye


Anh quốc lê
Anh Quốc Lê
Posted about 6 years ago

tạm biệt

Nhung nguyen
Nhung Nguyen
Posted about 6 years ago

You can say "tạm biệt". If you dont know how to sound, dont worry. Just type it in google translate, hit the speaker button.

Nguyên phùng
Nguyên Phùng
Posted about 6 years ago

How are you? reply me via email( let us talk,

Posted about 4 years ago
I think we need to add a voice file to show the pronunciation
I think we need to add a voice file to show the pronunciation
Việt đức trần
Việt Đức Trần
Posted over 3 years ago
chào nhé
Posted about 2 years ago