Language exchange partners in Olympia-wa-usa |
  • Silverfish
    Female, 22





    Hallo! Ich lerne Deutch und möchte mit ein Penpal auf Skype reden. Wir können auf ein bisschen auf Deutsch und auch English sprechen. Ich treffe neue Leute gern und ich denke es macht viel Spaß, Sprachen zu lehren und lernen. Ich lehre freiwillig bei einer Nonprofit-Sprachenschule. Bitte schreib mir und dann können wir auf Skype reden :)

    Hello! I am learning German and would like to talk with a penpal on Skype. We can speak in both German and English so that we can teach each other. I love meeting new people and I think it's a lot of fun to teach and learn languages. Currently I am volunteering at a nonprofit language school as an English teacher. Please write me and then we can meet on Skype :)



    Meeting new people, hiking, travel, adventures

  • Reckthor
    Male, 23







    初めまして 私はZacです。 

    私はアメリカ人 男です 23歳

    I love 夏目漱石 My favorite book is こころ

    私の趣味はCooking/Baking. Working on Cars, Reading,and tennis,Building Computers

    i have been stuidying 日本語 and i want to come back to japan and learn so much more.

    after studying Japanese language and culture I have come to be fascinated by the many concepts

    I stayed in Fukushima-ken for 2 months last year volunteering. I was helping a man clean his house and I also helped build a kiln in Miyagi-ken.

    After i came back yo America i realized that i must come back to japan and learn more Japanese and find a way to stay for longer that before.

    I was helping a man that makes 陶器. he introduced me to so many ideas such as 侘寂. i now have a passion to learn more.

    I hope to hear back from you.


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