Practicing pronunciation with your language partner

Posted on November 21 2018

Record each other

if you’ve ever got corrected by your friend and could not even imagine what difference was between that and what you said, you might want to give this method a shot.
It’s great for comparing your pronunciation to your partners. Hearing what your own voice sounds like when speaking is hard. Bordering the impossible.

Try to spell out what your partner is saying

try to listen to short sentences and write them down as well as you can.
It’s good to go through each sentence immediately afterwards and review your mistakes. it’s best to find out what the correct spelling is from listening to the word over and over again until you’ve got it.

Be wary of local accents

Everybody speaks in a different way. If your pronunciation differs from the one you’re speaking with it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re wrong. It might just be that you have learned from someone else before that comes from a different part of the country. It might sometimes be useful to have a look at one of our favourite apps ( ) for hearing more local accents..